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IT Support in San Francisco Can Help Your Business Go Mobile

Mobile Device Management

Mobility Increases Cost-Effective Operations

IT support in San Francisco must remain cutting-edge to be relevant. The city by the bay is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world— if not the prime contender for the spot. This means when new technology hits the market, it’s going to be tried and tested throughout San Francisco before most other places. As a result, IT agencies there must be at the top of their game. And, as you’ve likely seen people running around grocery stores with smartphones doing the TaskRabbit mambo, you’re likely going to see more mobile office workers as the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) innovation hits the mainstream.

The BYOD trend allows businesses to outsource the cost of hardware to their employees. A secure network using SaaS (Software as a Service) and DaaS (Desktop as a Service) applications provides a unified platform which is the same no matter where it is accessed from. Work can be securely completed on such a network with MDM (Mobile Device Management) security protocols in place which restrict data movement. Some networks can be configured so a DaaS platform can be remotely accessed, but data can’t be taken out or added to the platform without express permission from IT personnel or upper management.

The Edge Component

Adding fuel to the BYOD fire is edge computing, which is a means by which individual Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be used as a sort of omnipresent cloud. Each IoT device processes an infinitesimal amount of data. There are more IoT devices than people on the planet right now— not much more power than that is needed! Some computers are already heading this direction internally and creating their own edge computing networks.

A Hypothetical Situation

IT support in San Francisco can help your business adopt BYOD before the edge computing trend arrives and can even help you go this route if it’s more amenable to your particular operations. This can be especially affordable for small businesses if done correctly.

Say you’ve got an office of 10 employees. They all work internally, but you’re planning on going the BYOD route with the coming year, as current computers will have reached the three-year mark. Your budget for computers is $2,000 and, usually, you manage to hit it except for about a $100 overlap due to sales tax you didn’t properly account for. $2,000 multiplied by 10 employees is $20k.

The office where you and your employees work costs $5,000 a month (which is very conservative in San Francisco). Now, everybody can work from home and you’ve set up the back door to the basement as the head office while you’re expanding. That’s an additional $60k a year you’ve saved. Altogether, BYOD can cut $80k from a small business’s budget initially in this way and it will continue to save money going forward.

Of course, this is hypothetical, but it’s easy to see why so many people have begun making the BYOD switch:

  • Equipment Cost Reduction
  • Operational Cost Reduction
  • Increase In Available Assets
  • Technological Relevancy

Making the Switch

IT support in San Francisco through OneClick Solutions Group can help you upgrade your SMB to BYOD operations. Contact us to conserve your resources.



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