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Don’t Allow Your IT Consulting Provider’s Doubt of Total Cloud in San Francisco Taint Your Decision!

Hybrid Solutions

A Weakened Perspective

IT consulting in San Francisco is often weakened by providers whose view of total cloud solutions is weak. But according to Cisco, cloud computing growth increases annually about fifty percent. This is a statistic impossible to ignore, meaning many IT consulting providers compromise by using antiquated on-premises solutions in conjunction with modern cloud innovations. The result is a “hybrid cloud” option that sells itself as the best of both worlds, but really is only secondarily successful.

Disadvantages Of Hybrid Solutions

Without full utilization of the cloud, clients are hampered by solutions which still require on-premises support and technology. Where there could be savings on equipment and support for that equipment on-site, instead clients pay for the technology which is local to operations — in addition to cloud computing options. Certainly there is some advantage in taking this option over only on-premises computing solutions, but it’s not nearly what it could be, and the hybrid cloud usually ends up adding unnecessary expense for the appearance of added security. The reality is that with cloud computing solutions, there is an increased security quotient.


Consider that backup and recovery is instantaneous with the cloud, and provides for business continuity in the event of an emergency. While this advantage exists with hybrid options, recovering on-site servers in such an instance yet requires the support of a technician, and can’t be done instantaneously. A proper analogy might be a business that has all its data backed up digitally, but has physical copies of that data stored throughout the premises as well. If there’s a fire, the computer retains all the physical data; but re-establishing what was lost physically takes time and effort. It’s better just to have an additional digital backup elsewhere. With the cloud, data is backed up to multiple servers arrayed in a configured grid which retains functionality perpetually. Having an on-site backup is almost as antiquated as keeping physical copies of data in printed form.

T consulting in San Francisco should offer more than just hybrid solutions, and in fact focus on helping businesses transition to this next necessary step in the development of a vastly expanding technological advantage.

What To Look For In Your IT Consultancy

Several areas of provision should be available to you from the proper IT consulting firm, including:

• Managed IT Services at a Flat-Fee
• Business Continuity Planning
• Hosted Services and Cloud Services
• Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP)
• General IT Consulting

When your IT solutions are managed at a flat-fee, then budgeting is predictable. Other options will end up charging you more when operational difficulties arise requiring directed assistance. But with a flat-fee solution that institutes business continuity planning, expenses will remain predictable and services continuous even in the worst-case scenario. You’re going to want hosted services in conjunction to cloud services to provide the greatest advantage, and proper IT consulting will help you know that which is most amenable to your business and budget. Lastly, saving money in communications through VOIP provides your business an additional edge via resource consolidation.

IT consulting in San Francisco which takes these things into consideration will provide comprehensive support of a continuous, dependable nature. We at continuously strive to provide the finest, most cutting-edge cloud solutions and consultancy for all your business needs.



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