OneClick Solutions Blog

Dealing With CryptoWall?

Dealing With CryptoWall

How to Keep Your Business Safe from CryptoWall

Almost a year has passed since the CryptoWall virus first began wreaking chaos upon the cyber world. As a result, federal and even international authorities broke up the CryptoLocker ring. Nevertheless, new infections have been spotted, and they are almost identical to the past Crypto viruses from before. Ransomware gets installed on the machine via email attachment, ZIP files or suspicious banners, and everything on your system gets locked down.The ransomware can range anywhere from $500 to $1,000, and a deadline can be anywhere from three days to two weeks before the system permanently loses its data. However, even paying this ransom will not guarantee that you will have access to your locked data. While some people have been resigned to the fact that you cannot fight this virus, our IT support company in San Francisco does have some valuable recommendations. For example, you can implement a disaster recovery plan and regular remote backups. That increases your chances of keeping the data safe, and it helps you to survive catastrophe.

Never click on suspicious links or unfamiliar emails. That might seem obvious to you, but make sure that your employees also know this. You want to avoid domain names that do not have a relation to you. Also, keep a solid firewall and antivirus in place because it only takes clicking on a single link to lead to infection. If you do realize that you clicked on something unsafe, disconnect your computer immediately. Combating CryptoWall boils down to staying vigilant for the sake of your business. Our IT support in San Francisco can hook you up with a disaster recovery plan that lowers the risk.



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